What is the difference between SLAM and visual odometry?

First, we have to distinguish between SLAM and odometry. Odometry is a part of SLAM problem. It estimates the agent/robot trajectory incrementally, step after step, measurement after measurement. new_state=old_state+step_measurement The next state is the current state plus the incremental change in motion. Incremental change can be measured using various sensors. Wheel encoders for instance, countsContinue reading “What is the difference between SLAM and visual odometry?”

What is CNN in machine learning?

CNN “Convolutional Neural Network” is more commonly listed under deep learning algorithms which is a subset of machine learning and AI. Convolution means, convolving/applying a kernel/filter of nxn dimension on a selected pixel and its surroundings, then moving the same kernel to the next pixel and its surrounding and so on, to asses each pixel.Continue reading “What is CNN in machine learning?”

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